Singing Guide: Morris Levy

Singing Guide: Morris Levy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Morris Levy was a famous American music executive who managed artists such as Frankie Lymon and The Teenagers, and owned clubs such as Birdland and Roulette Records. He was also known for his strong and dynamic voice, making it distinctive and unique.

To learn to sing like Morris Levy, it is crucial to understand his vocal technique. Levy had a deep, rich, and soulful voice that was a mixture of a chest voice and a lower head voice. He had a natural vibrato and knew how to play with it, making it a prominent feature of his singing.

Some of the songs that showcase his vocal technique include "I Want You To Be My Baby" and "Why Do Fools Fall in Love." These songs demonstrate his ability to use diverse musical genres and turn them into his signature sound.

To develop a similar vocal technique, it is essential to focus on breath support, resonance, and vocal registers. Singing Carrots has a plethora of valuable resources for developing these aspects, including "Breathing basics," "Open mouth & throat," "Resonance in singing," "Vocal range test," and "Vocal health." The platform also offers a vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it with famous singers, and a song search tool to find songs matching your vocal range and genre preference.

Singing Carrots also offers a singing course that covers all the theoretical and practical aspects of singing, including breathing techniques, vocal registers, resonance, and vocal health. Additionally, the website provides practice exercises like the "Farinelli breathing exercise" and "Chest Voice Explained" video that focuses on the chest voice. Along with these, the website also provides other relevant exercises like articulation, posture, and stage fright, among others. The Twang, Vibrato, and Growling exercises can help fine-tune specific vocal techniques of Morris's singing.

Overall, learning to sing like Morris Levy requires a deep understanding of his vocal technique and a lot of practice. Utilizing the Singing Carrots platform's resources can help you achieve similar results and improve your overall singing abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.